(A peep into the past and a tribute to Sony DSC-H2, my first camera, which instilled in me the zeal Iam moving forward with, forever)
Pictures posted are in reminiscence of 2006-2009 and captured with my now extinct camera, the Sony DSC-H2.
Pictures posted are in reminiscence of 2006-2009 and captured with my now extinct camera, the Sony DSC-H2.
There’s a golden period to everyone’s life and to every aspect of life, be it your personal agenda, music, films, politics or anything you may name. Those are the “heydays” which redefined the way you live or the way you look at life and when thought about, makes you feel proud for what you are. There are significant illustrations - The period between 1945-1991 was the golden period of “strategic politics” when western world “faced-off” with Communist world producing “World Order” changing changes, the period between 1930-1950’s is considered a golden period for mankind as it witnessed changes which changed the way we live today through scientific advancements and incredible medical breakthroughs, the period between 3rd and 6th century CE was the golden period in Indian History when Gupta’s facilitated marvelous advancements in the field of science, astronomy, philosophy and mathematics, the years 1998 and 1999 are considered “golden” by racing enthusiasts from my generation for its when, Mika Pauli Hakkinen thrashed Michael Schumacher for two consecutive world championships producing the most aggressive and competitive racing of modern era, the decade between 1980- 1990 was a golden period in Tamil film industry for it was the era when Mr. Ilaiyaraaja belted out eye watering eternal tunes and in my life, 2006-2009 were the years which inscribed permanent, inerasable and hurting memories which would continue to make me wonder, smile, shed tears, crave, sit in darkness and feel proud of when thought about. Those were the years which fortified my creativity when a significant portion of the time was spent in out of the world imagination, sitting and staring into the vast invisible emptiness surrounding me. I remained confined to my upstairs room, which has now been rented out after my movement to a newly bought apartment, and it was the focal point of my then bustling life as friends used to gather there for a moment of relaxation, a booze, a night of laughter or to vent out their emotions. Those three years toiled me as I learnt various aspects of life – patience, commitment, friendship, value of money, love, ego, time, health, imagination, who are parents, faith, evil and photography. When the amateur interest in photography was budding, I was shaken to tears on a cold morning, in 2006, when mother handed over INR 21,000 to buy my first camera. At that point of time, I neither had a job nor was the money and mind set-up to explore for opportunities as most of the time was spent sitting/sleeping idle, thinking what am I goanna do with that big digital camera?? It was then my old home, No 70/2, came to rescue with its interesting location as I fine tuned my photographic indulgence in its back-yard, shooting at what ever made its presence felt. The old home was a repository of learning and now I miss her terribly after we moved to No 17, on my mother’s retirement, which is located strategically but without the ambience I had lived with for the past 2 decades. The fact that 14/50 shots presented above where shot in and around 70/2 while the remaining 36 were shot over 12 locations across three states only signify the opportunities it abounded with. As time rolls by, I visit her once a while to rekindle the thoughts and have a quiet “sit-down” in the backyard which contributed the most in killing the loneliness I was living with through those 3 years. Those were the years which wrote on my memory the things, as hard hitting as a meteorite strike. I - lost friends, made my parents lose patience, spoilt my health, plagued with ego, misunderstood and hurt the most important person of my life, lost that person to my “from birth” arrogance, learnt perseverance, fell in indestructible love with western Ghats, began the massive addiction to the effects of magnificent SW Monsoon, got a job, got back few of my best friends, lost both my hands, for a month, to a venomous bite during a rain forest trek, spent that month in absolute loneliness and burning pain in my upstairs room recovering and regretting as time pushed me ahead and, the pains and losses behind. Now as I move forward with confidence, hope and time induced happiness, a sudden peep into the past and the moments I had captured during my heydays just blew away me into ashes. Every single photograph attached above has a romantic, painful and a hilarious story behind it and, when I spend a minute over each of them it’s an unbelievable and eye moistening transformation to the “Golden Period” of my life. Who where ever part of my life, whatever made my life meaningful are separated/shattered beyond reach/recognition and my only resort for getting in touch with them are these photographs – priceless and beyond the comprehension of an average “motive” oriented life. If you do have such a “Period” in your life try peeping into it and tell me, if you didn’t shed few tears…
Wow...enna oru flash back...jaggu oda pose..rama oda close up...peppa ranga oda trips..supper machi
ReplyDeleteThanks Dude...We'll never see those moments again...life rolls fast...we can only better our past, not imitate them.
ReplyDeleteAnd i wish i was there :)
ReplyDeleteJai - I always used to feel, why you left India when things were begining to shape up. I got the opportunity to travel with all of them but not you, and that pains.