In real world “A Pilgrim” is someone who travels far, braving elements, to endorse his faith over a specific belief of noteworthy significance. People all over the world, time immemorial, have embarked on these religious journeys to pay their tribute to a belief which influences their social system. They go in search of spirituality, morality, peace, answers, pardon, enrichment and anything which removes pain and guilt. Alas, I never have had belief in idol worship and to me, above anything; conscience has been the source of worship and respect. When you question your conscience, when you fear it, when you do justice to it, I believe; you are enlightened and Mr. God is where conscience is honored. Nevertheless, there’s one place where I had been on an annual pilgrimage over the past three years and this is the 6th edition in as many years. A Pilgrimage is a serious demonstration of tolerance, endurance, discipline and self control and my annual pilgrimage very much adheres to these requirements. It may be a one day event and devoid of any special practices and sacrifices but still, it manages to forge a level of satisfaction unparalleled and unequalled. When I reach the pinnacle of this pilgrimage I feel out of this world, I sit and stare and my environment becomes mute and motionless. I return back home with levels of confidence and energy to keep me going for another year, before the clock returns to the same position. What’s so special about this place and how it manages to arouse spirituality in me?? Where’s this place and how it instills morality in me?? These are the questions which are answered here, in brief, as I have already explained in depth in my Dec/2010 posting. Every year just after the NE Monsoon recedes, Ubbalamadugu in Chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh springs to life after months of aridity and silence. The hot and parched landscape transforms into a beautiful combination of gushing water, rejuvenated vegetation, brimming streams, gorgeous pools and ultimately, the mind blowing Ubbalamadugu waterfall. In 2009 I made my first amateur attempt with Mr. SU and Pipa on a hot October day before the NE Monsoon and retreated back disappointed and thrilled. At that point of time I neither knew the geography of this place nor where the main fall actually is located. Months rolled by and I was in the middle of 2010 when a relative of mine prompted to accompany him for a business deal with “Kalki Oneness” centre in Chittoor. Ubbalamadugu was just few Kms away from here and I didn’t hesitate a moment to visit her despite the hot sunny day in June, the peak of Indian Summer. Surprisingly, she was still wet with occasional pools and extremely weak streams meandering through the parched landscape. It was an eye opener and then came the big climax in the December of that year. I made three attempts through three successive weekends and conquered her during the last trial. It was only me and Napoleon who made it at last and the feeling of that “special accomplishment and loneliness” rejuvenated my ego to conquer her again. The decision was made in minutes and the call to Napoleon, in the next few seconds which he endorsed promptly and it was more than enough for me to close the eyes that night with dec/2010 ruling the dream. Woke up on a cold dec/2011 morning and drove promptly northwards on the desolate NH5, as the fresh landscape all along the way indicated of a copious rainfall. I feel special to visit this place with him for it was with his support I conquered her a year back and my move to conquer her again a year later with only him for company was nothing but, a deliberate move. We drove past, walked past and waded through the well chalked out route to conquer her, stage by stage and fall by fall. Once past the second major fall, and also the second major blockade, it was only me and Napoleon as always and the fear factor begin to kick in. The final section of trek is mind blowing as there’s absolute clarity, silence and wilderness. There are two options beyond or above this point (Photo no 30) – to swim through the green tub (Photo no 14) and reach the base of the fall or climb up through absolute wilderness (photo no 2) and reach the source of Ubbalamadugu. Green tub is a romantic indulgence but, I didn’t have the appropriate company to explore her and naturally I set out on the other way to reach the pinnacle, the source. The hike beyond this point takes one through mesmerizing rugged terrain and physical fitness is mandatory to proceed further. On reaching the source, you begin to understand what the meaning of this pilgrimage is as the beauty and seclusion make the eyes wet. I removed my wind cheater, for I didn’t want to cheat the wind that was blowing hard, landed the camera bag on the clean rock and committed my prayers to the only God I believe in – The Nature. I felt the happiness of having executed yet another pilgrimage to this significant creation, as sun began to set in the distant and visible west. We made a rapid retreat to the base and it was already dark enough to make the existing wilderness more wild and punishing as the unusually large moon was losing itself to the shadow cast by earth. It was the last complete Lunar Eclipse of 2011 as we stood in the dark and completely isolated parking lot of Ubbalamadugu, gasping and hearing the faint noise of gushing water. Over the next couple of months the gushing will cease to exist and she’ll lose her identity to lie in complete silence and dormancy, to be brought back to life by the retreating monsoon winds of 2012. Then, again, I’ll be the most dedicated, if not the first, pilgrim to pay the respects to her and seek the blessings of Nature in its most unadulterated form. For now, am back home with the satisfaction of having completed yet another thrilling edition of Pilgrimage and the noise of gushing water makes me bury my face into the pillow and keep thinking about her, keep thinking about her, keep thinking about her…….
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